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Knowledge + Action = Experience

Searching for a job can become a full time job. I have gotten away from writing, as I search job posts and pull together cover letters. Interviews, surveys, and follow up emails consume me at the moment.

Every job posting details the experience they would like in the ideal candidate. Every interview is me trying to highlight and sell my experience.

What is experience? Knowledge of a subject, then applying that to real world applications produces experience.

Why is experience so important? Because experience leads to wisdom in this world.

Knowledge + Action = Experience, which leads to wisdom.

Wisdom to know how to act in future situations.

Experience with God is a similar equation, but different. The same words with different intentions behind them.

We gain knowledge from the Bible, God breathed words written and passed down from generation to generation. Our knowledge base is not from our own effort, but a changing of our hearts through the Holy Spirit working within us. This knowledge, the Holy Spirit planting God's word in our hearts, leads to action.

Action is an effort to apply the knowledge to our current situations and life style. But we do not act by mustering our own effort to follow everything the Bible tells us to do. We are called to humbly act - to give up our lives to him, and ask the Holy Spirit to fill us with his wisdom.

Experiencing God's wisdom, is when we continually act according to the Holy Spirit's work within us. It is not our own actions, but living freely through Christ's work through us. This is how we experience God's wisdom in our lives.

Not by reading the Bible and memorizing all of his rules. Not by mustering up our own self control to keep making the right decisions that "God calls us to make".

We experience God's wisdom by simple humble action. Giving up our lives, daily to him. Giving up all our fears, resentments, frustrations, worry, anxiety, sadness, and hurt to him. Giving up all our urges to control circumstances to him, giving up all our concerns for the future to him.Then asking the Holy Spirit to fill us with his wisdom.

(Biblical) Knowledge + (Humble) Action = Experienc(ing) God's Wisdom

Experiencing God's wisdom by the Holy Spirit working within and through us.

Changing our hearts, changing the way we think, changing the way we speak, changing the way we represent him in this world. None of this is our own doing. All of this is because of our humble surrender of everything to God.

God's wisdom is an experience that looks and feels different for everyone. We are all made by the same creator - but not one of us is the same. I'm sharing the 'equation' that helps me experience God's wisdom in my life.

.... and if you can't tell, I was just helping my daughter with math homework. Probably where the equation inspiration came from. Praying for each person this reaches, that you may be filled with the Holy Spirit and begin fully experiencing God in your life today.

Remember: It is not all on you, it is God's work within and through you!

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